Saturday, July 16, 2011

Secret of the Wind by Prem Joshua

Review on by Serge Kozlovsky on
Of what kind is this music? Is it a jazz? Yes, of course. It is spontaneous, there is live improvization. Maybe it's a world music? Sure! When recording this album a great number of live, folk instruments was used. Among them there are very rare, exotic ones. Have you ever heard, for example, how sounds dilruba - an ancient Indian string instrument, or santoor - a Persian string instrument, similar to European Hammer-Dulcimer? All those (and many other!) instruments sound in this album. The music of «Secret Of The Wind» has a unique ethnic colour. It is originated from the very roots, from the Mother Earth itself. Maybe then music of Prem Joshua is a new age. And that's also true! There is a breathing of new world in it, it is like a carpet, embroided with unusial patterns, weaved by many loving, careful hands. In «Secret Of The Wind» East and West are meeting. They are already together. It is not a Western or Eastern music any more - it is a new, common, all-human music.

That's why it cannot be classifized. It has no sense, when you listen «Secret Of The Wind». This album carries you like a slow river, and you glide along its waves, being drived by free wind. And the river becomes faster, becoming a quick steram of purest water, which carries you there... to the unknown. And that anticipating of the unknown fills your heart with pleasant emotion and joy.

22 (!) musicians from all over the world have taken part in the recording of «Secret Of The Wind». Their brilliant play and enthusiasm make this album bright and energetic. There's a lot of liveness in it. «Secret Of The Wind» streams by the fontans of light, rising-spirit energy.

That's such a music, listening to which one wants to sing. This music has a rare quality, because «Secret Of The Wind» is a music of freedom!

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